Promote all round inclusivity in the society by supporting us with our programmes -

Welcome !

Let’s begin to work together for a joyful life.. Let’s learn about the problems, pain and miseries of the society. Let’s understand the place of knowledge in development of mankind and troubling division in society Let’s act together to create a harmonious, tolerant and inclusive society. Please support and join us to.

Our Activities

Join the Happiness Program. Experience a calm mind, reduced anxiety, increased energy levels and sustainable happiness everyday!

About Us

The some of founder members of the centre have achieved their life goals and organized to work selflessly. The centre is a registered society registered under the Madhya Pradesh Registration of the Societies Act, 1973. The details of the directors and founder members may be seen at who is who section. The centre will work on the principle of “No profit, No loss”


The infrastructure for the centre is proposed in the district of Dindori where programmes will be organized with the residential facility where participants will get a motivating and learning atmosphere. The self-funded infrastructure will cater to 35 participants at any instance.

Mangal Gram

A person can be happy only when he listens to his inner voice, make decisions on its basis and act accordingly.The inner voice of a person can neither be an obstacle to his inner.


People now a days, take decisions on the basis of convenience rather than conscience. One is working and deciding under pressure of family and society.


The journey of mankind from early man to modern man has witnessed a lot of physical development and divisions in the world. The human problems are still similar.

The centre sees human existence in two folds as body mind complex propelled or sustained by intelligence (cognitive capacity). We also observers that for sustained wellbeing care of both the parts is immensely necessary.

Hello Doctor

We provide you with the assistance of expert doctors through our program to solve your health-related issues.


The internship programme is our high priority programme. This is for students who are enrolled in graduation courses or have completed graduation and further pursuing PG or Diploma courses


Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science that focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is the art and science of healthy living.

Mirror of goodness

There is a tendency in negative news to be underlined by the society and undue space given by newspapers and other media to the negative events. This has created a dampening atmosphere sometimes creating apprehension and fear in the society.


Thinking process, health and education are the most critical contributor for human wellbeing and optimal growth. Our progrmmes namely Talk with Observer, Self-Observation and Self-Investigation address issue of thinking process

Time Bank

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Our Programs

Quo esse tenetur ut quos impedit non tenetur veritatis sed galisum nisi eos earum porro est rerum facilis qui modi deleniti

Are you unhappy, need Advice from team IOIC?

Every dark cloud comes with a silver lining. Remember that there will be no silver linings if there are no clouds. Look at the bright side of life and choose to be happy.

Do you need Administrative or Legal advice?

IOIC is adding its small efforts to create a liveable harmonious society. Many retired government officials and service minded lawyers, doctors and professionals are with us.

Do you need Advice From doctor?

Remember, seeking advice from a doctor can help prevent illness. Our mission is to provide the necessary support for people to maintain good health and fitness.

Do you need Advice From Yog Guru?

Yoga is a diverse subject, consisting of various asanas and mudras. Assistance from a guru is essential for growth and correct practice.


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