- IOIC does not follow any particular thought process, principle, methodologies etc. We see resolutions of problems of society and individuals in being free from fixed thought processes, traditions beliefs, assumptions and habits etc and at the same time respect and recognize role of all of them also . We finds solutions of the problems in listening hearing and observation of them.
- There is no chief or thought leader of this organization. We have team of companions who may help you observe your problem and find solution. If you so desire to talk to any particular companion then he else any one of us will volunteer to be your companion for your discovery of solution.
- As all of our volunteers are working elsewhere for their livelihood it may some time take 7 days for beginning of dialogue then it will proceed ad per agreement between you two.
- If you are Unhappy we will help you in seeing and understanding(defining) the problem and get you on your track of the resolution.