

The journey of mankind from early man to modern man has witnessed a lot of physical development and divisions in the world. The human PROBLEMS are still similar.
After overcoming the issues of food, clothes, shelter basic health and water on major portion of the world mankind has been able to sustain plenty of food, create good transport system, good communication system, good health care, beautiful and clean houses but in spite of our undisputed common desires to achieve happiness, peace, cohesion, coexistence, cooperation and joy; the problem of sorrow, violence, jealousy, competition, cruelty, greed and stress all are increasing in the society.
We see significant role of knowledge in this voyage of development but we don’t know what it has done to the individual and society. We also don’t know its interplay between individual and society. We also don’t need evidence to prove that there is a deep relationship between individual and society.

Let’s join together to examine, investigate and see

The programme of Introspection in nut shell is as following:-

We believe that participants of this programme will be able to understand disorder of life and overcome them by developing their own suitable process.


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